Tuesday, October 03, 2006

So today was about Marketing. In fact, I plan to focus on marketing almost exclusively for the next several weeks, as it's the area I know least about. But it's amazing how one has to put oneself in the customer's shoes, think like them, behave like them, determine where to spend your money. Almost like a psychology experiment. I started reading one of the many Guerilla Marketing books by Levinson. He has some really helpful points in there, hopefully I can make it work.
Part of my marketing is evaluating my competitive advantage which is . . . well it's BIG BIG secret so keep it quiet . . . making the website easy to use for everyday people. So I spent some time calling up prospects and customers to see what they like, dislike, and would potentially want to improve their user experience.
I also think I chose a logo, for the second time. I decided to have a fun logo rather than a professional logo. I figure that's better because if I want attract the average consumer to register, the fun logo will help.
Website development has started, so I'll keep you posted.


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At 9:21 AM, Blogger Kathleen Fasanella said...

I wish I'd thought of this idea for one reason only: I would love to know the number of people submitting ideas vs people looking for ideas. Based on my own experience working with start ups, I'd guess there will be vastly more people submitting ideas than there will be people looking for them.

Ideas are cheap; all but the brain-dead have them. It takes more than an idea to make a viable business. Personally, it gets old -very old- slogging through the latest "hot" idea. Usually, the "originator" is so out of the loop or so unexposed they don't realize their idea already exists in practice. For this reason, I categorically refuse to sign ndas.


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