Venturing into the unknown
For those who don't know what I'm up to, look at my website and you'll find out where I've been spending my time. I'm creating an online idea exchange where persons who have ideas for products or services can confidentially post their ideas. On the other end we'll have investors, entrepreneurs, small businesses, manufacturers, or potential partners who can help further develop the idea. Both parties cooperate to bring the product or service to market, and both can profit. I created this website because I always have ideas rattling around in my head (and I know you do too) but I never knew what to do with them. Check it out, email me at if you want more info.
I'll be using this blog to document the startup process. Everyday that passes I learn something new, and that's what I love about it. Perhaps I should name this blog "Ask the ex-corporate pigeon turned struggling entrepreneur." Oh yea, I'm also a Realtor 1) because I've always had an interest in real estate and 2) to have money to buy bread & milk (oh how well those go together).
Ideas. Exchanged.
Buy, sell, request, trade, exchange ideas, inventions, intellectual property, trademarks . . .