Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Learning is underrated. I'll be the first to tell you that I'm always learning on the fly, because that's always the best way to learn. Most people always try to act like they know it all, but no one really knows much. In fact, the irony is that the more someone thinks he knows everything, the less he actually knows. That's because his attitude prevents him from learning more.

One of the keys to being successful in this world is actually realizing how little you know, and using that to motivate you to learn more. That's a very valuable lesson to anyone, not just entrepreneurs, inventors, or worker bees.

And against a common misconception, you don't have to have an IQ of 160 to be successful. Unlike the classroom, an "E" for effort in the business world is better than an "A+". You just have to be willing to spend the time educating yourself, learning, testing, retesting, failing, and then succeeding. There is always too much to learn, so grab a hold of something you enjoy, keep digging . . . and don't stop. If you need an inspirational movie to get your started, go see the Pursuit of Happiness.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's very clear to anyone who has made an invention, or has tried and lives to try again. We want to know, how can we use the full power of the internet to help inventors? We need to hear your voices, help us help you.

We're only a couple weeks away from releasing our beta website, which will be an incredibly flexible & powerful tool. We've designed it to help inventors bring their products to market. But we're always open for suggestions . . . just because there are so many ways to help.

Business owners, entrepreneurs, and service providers, don't worry. We didn't forget about you. All of our forums are multi-directional. Our tools are designed to benefit you, as well as the inventor. And of course, we're open ears for any suggestions of how we can help you.

Remember, it will be completely FREE to register and use many of our tools, but only for a limited time. As always, early bird gets the worm.
